
Congreso Internacional sobre Gestión Turística del Patrimonio en Destinos de Interior (CIGESTUR – EL CAIRO)

Del 26 al 28 de abril de 2023 en El Cairo, Egipto


Congreso Internacional sobre Gestión Turística del Patrimonio en Destinos de Interior (CIGESTUR – EL CAIRO)



Estimados colegas,

En nombre del Comité Organizador, tenemos el gusto de invitarlos a la Versión Egipcia del Congreso Internacional sobre Gestión Turística del Patrimonio en Destinos de Interior (CIGESTUR – EL CAIRO).

Se llevará a cabo del 26 al 28 de abril de 2023 en El Cairo, Egipto. El Congreso está organizado por el Instituto Superior de Turismo y Hoteles del Sinaí en Egipto con la cooperación de la Universidad de Córdoba, España.

El Congreso Internacional tiene como objetivo reunir a científicos e investigadores académicos líderes de España, Inglaterra, otros países europeos, América Latina y Egipto para intercambiar y compartir sus experiencias y resultados de investigaciones científicas, ideas y aplicaciones Cambios mundiales en patrimonio, ciencia del turismo y gestión hotelera.

CIGESTUR CAIRO 2023 incluye cinco temas principales que reúnen a representantes no solo del turismo, sino también del patrimonio, la economía, la industria hotelera, las ONG, así como a los funcionarios gubernamentales, para asistir al congreso.

Además de nuestras sesiones científicas del congreso, nos gustaría invitarles a visitar El Cairo y ver varios fenómenos turísticos y un rico patrimonio natural y cultural. Los participantes del Congreso podrán tener la oportunidad de visitar las Pirámides de Giza, Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO y una de las siete maravillas del mundo.

Los trabajos que se presenten en el congreso pasarán por un proceso de revisión por pares doble ciego, y una selección de éstos tendrá la opción de ser publicada en varias revistas cientificas.

Esperamos poder saludarlo en el Congreso Internacional sobre Gestión del Patrimonio Turístico en Destinos Interiores (CIGESTUR – EL CAIRO), El Cairo en Egipto, organizado por el Instituto Superior de Turismo y Hoteles del Sinaí.

Para obtener más información sobre la organización del congreso, temas y subtemas, paquetes de actividades sociales, consulte esta página web.


Los resúmenes deben enviarse por correo electrónico a la siguiente dirección:


Important Dates


Opening date for abstract submission 15 December 2022

Abstract submission deadline


30 January 2023


Notifying of Abstract; acceptance or rejection


20 February 2023


Registration Deadline


15 March 2023


Full paper submission


20 April 2023



Call for Abstracts

Abstract summaries submission:


Abstracts should be a maximum of 300 words long and submitted in Word (.doc) format in ENGLISH. The submission should also indicate the following (not included within the specified word limit):


  1. Working title of the paper and the
  2. Themes in which the author proposes to present the paper (maximum 2 themes)
  3. Author’s full name, email address, and phone number
  4. Current position, department, and institution or organization where the main author is
  5. Short five-line résumé (bio)

Presentacion PDF del congreso en:


Paper Submission 

All accepted abstracts should submit a paper in ENGLISH or SPANISH (between 4000 and 8000 words) and follow the Congress Template (available after abstracts notification date). The paper should be defended at congress by at least one registered author.

All details will be announced soon.


There will be a book of proceedings, which will be available after the conference. Other options for Journal publications are available:

United Kingdom

  • Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development (JCHMSD). Emerald Publishing, United


  • Revista internacional de legislación y Economía. España
  • Revista internacional de turismo, empresa y territorio. UcoPress. España


  • Egyptian Journal of Tourism and Hospitality, EKB, Egypt


 Contributed oral presentations are 15 minutes long, including 5 minutes for questions and discussion. The paper must be presented by one of the author or co-authors.

Author who has not been registered by the deadline will be removed from the program.

Oral presentations are to be made either using your laptop or the PC that will be available in the session room (Windows system + Power point). Please come to the session room with your laptop or pen drive having your presentation file.

There will be a volunteer on hand to assist in starting each presentation.


 English is the Main Language of the Conference

English and Spanish are the main languages of publishing

English – Spanish translation will be available during all the sessions of the congress

Thematic Panels



  • Planning and management of inland heritage tourism destinations
  • Socio-economic valorization of inland tourism
  • Indicators of sustainable tourism in inland destinations
  • Legislation and the legal and institutional framework of tourism
  • Didactics and tourist interpretation of heritage resources
  • Satisfaction of the tourists to world heritage sites and historic cities
  • Climate action and inland heritage tourism
  • Religious and sacred tourism



 * Traditional gastronomy, satisfaction and emerging models

  • Food and gastronomy in tourism industry and hospitality
  • Innovations in hospitality marketing and management
  • Future trends in the hospitality and tourism marketing and management
  • Education and training in tourism and hospitality
  • Consumer behaviour in hospitality and tourism
  • Hospitality as a social exchange
  • Health and wellness tourism


  • Museums, heritage interpretation centres, and cultural tourism destinations
  • Accessible tourism for all, digital guides, and virtual tours
  • New digital technologies applied to the design of tourism products
  • Artificial intelligence and virtual and augmented reality for cultural heritage dissemination and interpretation
  • Use of technology for interpretation and dissemination for cultural heritage
  • New digital technologies applied to hotel management
  • Cultural diversity and languages for heritage interpretation
  • Didactics applied to cultural heritage: sustainable tourism models, new narratives, storytelling



  • Community engagement
  • Private-Public partnerships
  • Multiple stakeholders for sustainable development
  • New entrepreneurial formulas
  • Economic management and sustainability of heritage tourism industries
  • Challenges in heritage conservation, sustainability, and tourism
  • Placemaking: Creating quality heritage sites for people
  • Creative Industries and new models of tourism


  • Landscape as a heritage and tourism resource
  • Archaeological sites and conservation
  • Tourism and urban historic landscapes
  • Design and programming of heritage itineraries
  • Interrelationships and interdependencies between tourism, sectoral and territorial landscape planning
  • Heritage routes and cultural landscapes, nature tourism and the environment
  • Socio-economic valorization of cultural landscapes
  • Environmental and recreational education of natural-cultural heritage

Venue & Location

 Congress Hall


Adress: Omar Ibn El Khattab Street, P.O. Box 1026, Heliopolis Bahary, Cairo, 11737, Egypt

Accommodation Hotel

Hotels of Accommodation:

  • Holiday Inn Intercontinental city stars (4 Min. on foot to the congress hall)
  • Sonesta hotel (10 by Car to congress Hall)
  • Golden Plaza Hotel (10 To the congress hall)

Conference Fees



All Details will be provided SOON



Fees Egyptian authors

Egyptian Researchers, authors and Candidates (1500 L.E)

  • Access to all sessions
  • Coffee breaks
  • Conference material
  • Communication and Publishing

Egyptian Listeners without papers nor communications (1000 L.E)



Fees Foreign authors

Without accommodation

  • Authors €150 Covering the followings:
    • Access to all sessions
    • Coffee breaks
    • Conference material
    • Communication and Publishing


  • €250 Covering the followings:
    • Tourist excursion to the pyramids and Cairo Museum (Transportation and fees)
    • Gala Dinner
    • Access to all sessions
    • Coffee breaks
    • Conference material, Communication and Publishing
    • Participation in all social and educational activities

(4) €760

  • 3 nights of accommodation in a Single Room with breakfast
  • Transportation from/to the
  • Tourist excursion to the pyramids and Cairo Museum (Transportation and fees)
  • Gala Dinner
  • Access to all sessions
  • Coffee breaks
  • Conference material, Communication and Publishing
  • Participation in all social and educational activities



Accompanying Person

€ 450-650 (accompanying person – acompañante)

  • € 450 per person in double room including the accommodation 3 nights and tourist excursion only
  • € 650 per person in single room including the accommodation 3 nights and tourist excursion only


With accommodation

  • €500 Covering the followings:


  • 3 nights of accommodation in a double Room with breakfast
  • Transportation from/to the
  • Tourist excursion to the pyramids and Cairo Museum (Transportation and fees)
  • Gala Dinner
  • Access to all sessions
  • Coffee breaks
  • Conference material, Communication, and Publishing
  • Participation in all social and educational activities


 Ibrahim Elassal, Sinai High institute for Tourism, Egypt

Ricardo D. Hernández Rojas Universidad de Córdoba, Spain

Ona Vileikis, University College London, United Kingdom

Scientific Committee

 Manuel Rivera Mateos – University of Córdoba

Mª Ángeles Jordano Barbudo University of Cordoba, Spain

Antonio Pelaez- Verdet University of Malaga

Pedro Buendía Universidad Complutense de Madrid

José Antonio Folgado Universidad de Extremadura

Reyes Escalera Pérez – Universidad de Málaga

Carlos Cardoso Ferreira Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal

Nuria Huete Universidad Castilla la Mancha

Arturo Crosby Co Director Curso Experto de Destinos Turísticos, Universidad Complutense de Madrid


University of Salamanca

José Antonio Fernández Universidad de Córdoba

Frank Babinger, geógrafo University of Complutense de Madrid.

Ignacio Ruiz

Guerra University of Complutense de Madrid

Miguel Ángel

Valero Universidad Castilla la Mancha


Maria Angeles

Recio Ramírez , Universidad de Córdoba

Presentacion PDF del congreso en:


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