
Los peligros y beneficios del ecoturismo sobre la fauna

Dos visiones antagónicas del mismo fenómeno

NR: Les compartimos un interesante aunque no nuevo análisis de los pros y los contra que tiene el ecoturismo y turismo basado en la fauna silvestre. Mientras que existe una gran duda del impacto que causan los observadores de aves sobre la propia avifauna al incremento o mera supervivencia de animales como el jaguar en Sudamérica gracias al turismo.

Les adjuntamos este link al articulo de Richard Collins en el Irish Examiner

Do birdwatchers harm the thing they love? Is wildlife tourism harmful? Keeping a low profile should ensure that animals and birds are not impacted by our presence, but researchers from Washington State University are not so sure.

In a report just published, they claim that even limited human presence can change the behaviour of wild mammals and birds. It’s not just noisy shotgun discharges, boisterous dogs and rowdy picnic parties that give rise to problems; even low-key visits to wilderness areas, they think, may have adverse effects.


However, another article just published is more optimistic about wildlife watching. Journalist Sarah Brown, in an article entitled Ecotourism and Education: Win-win solution for Pantanal ranchers and jaguars (Mongabay, January 2023), quotes a vet as saying that ‘the tourists are the reason why jaguars are alive today’.

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